30 May - 5 June 2022 (Arrival date 29 May, Departure date 5 June 2022)
Theory of integer partitions lies in the intersection of many research areas of mathematics such as combinatorics, number theory, representation theory, q-series, and holonomic functions with ties to other fields such as physics and computer science.
There are two main objectives of this summer camp. We plan to introduce mathematics enthusiasts to a highly active research field which does not get introduced as a part of the usual mathematics curriculum. We also plan to get participants involved in collaborative research by assigning group tasks to them.
We request the attendants to have at least 2 years of university level mathematics background with understanding of basic proof techniques and common mathematical notations, as well as competence in English.
Undergraduate and graduate students.
The workshop fee is covering four meals a day, accommodation, lessons, and all kinds of basic needs that the Village offer. Dormitotries: 2925 TL Tents: 2225 TL.
Aycan Şahin - aycansahin@nesinkoyleri.org
Your application will be automatically transferred to the system. A confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail address stating that your application has been received within two to three days. If you haven't received a confirmation message within two to three days, please write again.
Application form:Instructors:
Jehanne Dousse, CNRS Lyon – Institut Camille Jordan, http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/homes-www/dousse/
Kağan Kurşungöz, Sabancı Üniversitesi, http://people.sabanciuniv.edu/~kursungoz/
Ali K .Uncu, Austrian Academy of Sciences Joahnn Radon Institute – University of Bath, http://akuncu.com/
Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos, Gebze Technical University, https://alcyon-lab.gitlab.io/group//members/zaf.html
Walter Bridges, Universität zu Köln https://sites.google.com/view/waltermcfbridgesiii/home