Random Real Algebraic Geometry Workshop


Tarih: 21-27 Ocak 2019 (Köy’e geliş 20 Ocak, Köy’den ayrılış 27 Ocak)

Amaç: This workshop aims to bring together researchers and graduate students in order to discuss the recent developments in the subject area of random real algebraic geometry. The workshop is expected to have approximately 30 participants. Resarchers and graduate students working in a related area are encouraged to apply. Graduate student applicants are asked to provide the names and contact information of two faculty members who can provide reference, as well as a transcript of studies.

Hedef kitle: Resarchers and graduate students working in a related area are encouraged to apply. Graduate student applicants are asked to provide the names and contact information of two faculty members who can provide reference, as well as a transcript of studies.

Fees: The workshop fee covers four meals, accomodation, classes and all basic necessities and is770 TL.

Kontenjan: 20 kişi.

Sorularınız için: Aycan Şahin (aycansahin@nesinvakfi.org)

Başvuru: Başvuru formu için tıklayın. Belli aralıklarla başvurular değerlendirilir ve sonuçlar e-postayla iletilir.

Kayıt: Başvuru sonucunuz başvurduğunuz tarihten itibaren 15 gün içerisinde e-posta yoluyla iletilecektir. Ödeme ve kayıtla ilgili tüm işlemler başvurunuz kabul edildikten sonra yapılacaktır.


The tone of the workshop will be interactive, with lectures in the morning sessions and discussions or group work in the afternoon sessions.
A tentative list of lecturers and titles is provided below:

Title of the course: Lefschetz Fibrations
Alp Bassa
 Boğaziçi University

Title of the course: Universality Results for Correlation Functions Between Zeros of Random Polynomials 
Turgay Bayraktar
 Sabancı University

Title of the course: Random Spherical Harmonics
Ümit Işlak
 Boğaziçi University

Title of the course: Random Real Hypersurfaces
Özgür Kişisel 
 Middle East Technical University

Title of the course: Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties
Ferit Öztürk 
 Boğaziçi University