CIMPA-ICTP Research Camp


This camp is intended to foster anlytic number theory as well as algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry in Turkey. The camp revolves around Artin’s primitive root conjectures and Artin’s L-functions, two subjects that lie at the crossroads of these three fields. It will give the attendees the opportunity to learn some basics notions on the following topics: a brief introduction to algebraic number theory culminating in the celebrated Chebotarev Density Theorem; an introduction to the representation theory of finite groups culminating in the definition of Artin’s L-functions and the group theoretic proof of their meromorphicity; an introduction to zeta functions and L-functions; distribution of primes; an introduction to elliptic curves and analogues of Artin’s Conjecture, and last but not least Hooley’s Theorem and quasi resolution. All courses will be taught in English.

Portraits of participants

Scientific Committee

Local Organizing Committee

    • Ayhan Dil, (Local officer in charge)
      Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey.
    • Ayhan Gunaydin,
      Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Ekin Ozman,
      Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Cihan Pehlivan,
      Atılım University, Ankara, Turkey
    • Emre Alkan,
      Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Ali Ozgur Kisisel,
      Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey