Summer Camp Around Valuation Theory




The aim of this five-day summer camp/conference is to help to unveil common underlying valuation theoretical ideas in recent progress on various areas such as tropical geometry, fixed point theory, Berkovich spaces, singularities, possible extensions of Ax-Kochen-Ershov type transfer principles and model theory of valued fields.  The organization and scientific committees hope to offer  eventual collaborations by bringing together eminent specialists and young researchers.

We will have three mini courses:

  • Introduction to perfectoid spaces and applications after Peter Scholze; by Alexander Ivanov
  • Fixed point theorems inspired by ultrametric spaces; by Katarzyna Kuhlmann  and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann
  • Immediate extensions, maximal fields and spherical completeness; by Anna Blaszczok and Koushik Pal

and 12 talks.

The event will take place in Nesin Mathematical Village. Here you can find arrival options. Also, please visit the  registration page for accommodation options.

For further information one can contact  any member of the organization committee or send an e-mail to