Title of the course: Ramsey Theory
Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Bergfalk
Institution: UNAM Morelia
Dates: 15-21 July 2019
Prerequisites: Some level of experience and comfort with proofs.
Level: Graduate, advanced undergraduate, beginning Undergraduate
Abstract: We intend firstly a survey of classical Ramsey theory —- of Ramsey’s original theorem(s), of the Van der Waerden, Hales-Jewett, and Hindman theorems, for example. We hope to suggest such theorems’ importance in some broader mathematical questions as well. Time permitting, we’ll also touch on colorings of uncountable cardinalities.
Textbook or/and course webpage: The standard reference Ramsey Theory, by Graham, Rothschild, and Spencer, gives a good picture of what classical material we have in mind.
Language: EN