Logic for artificial intelligence

27 Ocak - 2 Şubat 2020

Başlık: Logic for artificial intelligence
Eğitmen: Arif Mardin
Tarih: 27 Ocak – 2 Şubat
Önkoşul: Apart from motivation to follow what is going on, and familiarity with the basics of logical reasoning, no particular familiarity with any subject is needed.
Seviye: Undergraduate
İçerik: Logic (more precisely propositional logic and predicate logic) as a method of representation of knowledge in artificial intelligence. Well-formed formulas, unification, resolution strategies for the resolution of problems.
Ali Nesin: “Önermeler Mantığı”, Nesin Matematik Köyü Kitaplığı, 2014.
Hodges, W.: “Logic”, Penguin Books, 1977.
Nilsson, N.J.: “Principles of Artificial Intelligence”, Morgan Kaufmann, 1980.
Russell, S. and Norvig, P.: “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, 3rd edn., Prentice Hall, 2013.
Genesereth, M., and Nilsson, N.J.: “Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence”, Morgan Kaufmann, 1987.
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