Representation Theory of the Lie Algebra of G_2

13-19 January 2020

Title of the course: Representation Theory of the Lie Algebra of G_2
Instructor: Doç. Dr. Mustafa Kalafat
Institution: Bartın
Dates: 13-19 January 2020
Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Lie groups and Lie algebras.
Level: Graduate Advanced undergraduate
Abstract: In this lecture series we give an introduction to the
representation theory of Lie algebra of G_2. We review Lie groups, Lie
algebras, Cartan subalgebra, Root systems. Then, starting from
concrete examples we will work on sl(2,C), sl(3,C), sl(4,C) and
finally sl(n,C) and their representations. We also go into theri
geometric interpretations. Also spend time on sp(2n,C) and so(m,C) if
time permits.
1. Fulton, William; Harris, Joe – Representation theory. A first course.
Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 129. Readings in Mathematics.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991. xvi+551 pp. ISBN: 0-387-97527-6
Language: EN/TR