Partial Differential Equations-Sobolev and Hölder Spaces

9-22 September 2019

Title of the course: Partial Differential Equations—Sobolev and Hölder Spaces
Instructor: MSc. Buket Can Bahadır
Institution: ODTÜ
Dates: 9-22 September 2019
Prerequisites: Partial Differential Equations, Functional Analysis, Riemannian Geometry (not a must but preferable).
Level: Graduate, advanced undergraduate
Abstract: In this lecture series, our aim is to introduce Sobolev Spaces, and to present techniques and  ideas from functional analysis to develop the theory. Since the solutions of partial differential equations are naturally found in Sobolev spaces, this theory proves to be a useful tool for several applications in partial differential equations, as well as giving us an opportunity for a different aproach to classical problems using the methods of functional analysis.  We also would like to make an introduction to how these concepts can be aplied in the set up of Riemannian Manifolds., and give examples, such as Yamabe problem, where this aprooach played an important role.
Language: TR, EN