Title of the course: Introduction to Universal Algebra
Instructor: Prof. Alexei Muravitsky
Institution: Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Dates: 15-21 July 2021
Prerequisites: Knowledge of mathematical proofs and their implementation is expected; some knowledge of group, ring, or lattice concepts is a plus.
Level: Graduate, advanced undergraduate
Abstract: This is a short crash course in universal algebra. The following elements of universal algebra will be discussed: congruences, subalgebras, homomorphisms, direct products, and direct and inverse limits. Time permitting, the concepts of reduced products and ultraproducts will be discussed. First-order preservation properties will also be considered.
Language: EN
Textbook or/and course webpage: e-copy of my lecture notes, as well as that of the books by Burris & Sankappanavar, by Grätzer, by Mal’cev, and by Cohn will be available.