Riemann Surfaces in Einstein-Hermitian Spaces

19-23 September 2022

Title of the course: Riemann Surfaces in Einstein-Hermitian Spaces
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Kalafat
Institution: Bonn U.
Dates: 19-24 September 2022
Prerequisites: Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Algebraic Curves, Riemannian Geometry (not a must but preferable)
Level: Graduate, advanced undergraduate
Abstract: This is a continuation of the basic minimal submanifold theory lectures. Topics to be covered are as follows.
1. Jacobi Operator and Higher dimensional fundamental forms.
2. Higher dimensional curvatures.
3. Minimal immersions into higher spheres.
4. A Hermitian structure on the normal bundle.
5. An application of the Riemann-Roch formula to the minimal surfaces.
6. Index of minimal immersions of a sphere into higher dimensional spheres.
7. Holomorphic curves in the 6-dimensional sphere. (If time permits)
Language: EN
1. Kühnel, Wolfgang – Differential geometry. Curves—surfaces—manifolds. Third edition.
Translated from the 2013 German edition. American Mathematical Society. 2015.
2. N. Ejiri – The Index of Minimal Immersions of S^2 into S^{2n}.Mathematische Zeitschrift. (1983).
3. J. Madnick – The Second Variation of Null-Torsion Holomorphic Curves in the 6-Sphere.
ArXiv:2101.09580 (Jan 2021) 35 pages.