An introduction to profinite groups

8-13 August 2022

Title of the course: An introduction to profinite groups
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Kıvanç Ersoy
Institution: Free University of Berlin
Dates: 8-13 August 2022
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of algebra
Level: Graduate and advanced undergraduate
Abstract: In this small summer course we concentrate on the basic concepts about profinite groups, namely, inverse and direct limits, pro-C- groups for various group theoretical classes C, Sylow theory for profinite groups, finitely generated profinite groups, profinite groups as Galois groups, free profinite groups, profinite topologies, some special profinite groups,  profinite Frobenius groups, automorphism group of a profinite group, profinite completion, profinite torsion groups.
Language: EN