Generating Function Methods

7-11 September 2020

Title of the course: Generating Function Methods
Instructor: Dr. Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos
Institution: Gebze Technical University
Dates: 7-11 September 2020
Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Basic Abstract Algebra
Level: Graduate, advanced undergraduate, beginning undergraduate
Abstract: We will have an introduction to generating functions and some basic applications.
We will revisit the formal powerseries ring and closure properties, as well as how to solve functional equations.
Then we will move to exponential generating functions and apply them to integer partitions problems.
Finally we will discuss computational aspects of generating functions methods.
– Generating Functions
– Formal Powerseries and Closure properties
– Functional Equations
– Exponential generating functions
– Generating functions for integer partitions (Partitions on a cube)
– Computational aspects
Language: English