Title of the course: Discrete Stochastic Processes on Trees and Graphs
Instructor: Arif Mardin
Institution: –
Dates: 7-11 September 2020
Prerequisites: The contents of the preceding course “A Rigorous Introduction to Basic Probability Theory” are what one needs to follow this course. Some familiarity with elementary graph theory would also be helpful.
Level: Advanced undergraduate
Abstract: There are two main chapters that we shall be studying: Branching processes on Galton-Watson trees, and simple random walk on a regular lattice, including the theorem of Polya on transience or recurrence of random walks.
Textbook or/and course webpage:
(i) G.Grimmett and D.Stirzaker: “Probability and Random Processes”, 3rd edn., Oxford University Press, 2001.
(ii) E.Lesigne: “Head or Tails: An Introduction to Limit Theorems in Probability”, AMS Publications, 2006.
Language: EN