Title of the course: Introduction to Several Complex Variables
Instructor: Ms. Buket Can Bahadır
Institution: METU
Dates: 20-26 January 2020
Prerequisites: Basic real analysis, complex analysis in one variable
Level: Graduate, advanced undergraduate
Abstract: Several Complex Variables is a rather sizely branch of mathematics with links and ties to several other branches such as algebra, differential geometry, partial differential equations, algebraic geometry, and Banach algebras. For this reason, developments in SCV has provided valuable tools for these branches. Unfortunately, for the same reason, the prerequsite list for a basic SCV class has become a rather long list. The aim of this lecture series is not to cover this extensive subject in details, but to give a quick tour, and a basic understanding of its main concepts.
Daily description is as follows.
SCV 1: Review of One Variables and Some Definitions.
SCV 2: Holomorphic functions in several variables.
SCV 3: Convexity, pseudoconvexity and plurisubharmonicity.
SCV 4: CR Functions.
SCV 5: The dbar Problem.
SCV 6: Stein Manifolds and Cousin Problems.
Language: EN/TR
Textbook or/and course webpage:
1. L. Hormander – An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables, Volume 7 3rd Edition, North-Holland Mathematical Library, 1990.
2. Steven G. Krantz – Function Theory of Several Complex Variables, AMS Chelsea Publishing, 2001.
3. Jiri Lebl, Tasty Bits of Several Complex Variables, Open source: https://www.jirka.org/scv/
4. Steven G. Krantz – What is Several Complex Variables?, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 94, No. 3 (Mar., 1987), pp. 236-256