Calculus of variations and generative AI (artificial intelligence)

20-26 Ocak 2020

Başlık: Calculus of variations and generative AI (artificial intelligence)
Eğitmen: Yard. Doç. Salih Durhan
Tarih: 20-26 Ocak 2020
Önkoşul: Advanced calculus
Seviye: Lisans 3-4, lisansustu
İçerik: Calculus and linear algebra play a pivotal role in predictive machine learning tasks. Though when it comes to generative tasks (producing text, speech etc), classical methods have not yet produced impressive results. Variational calculus, which is broadly the study of finding extremum of functionals (as opposed to functions), is among the most promising methods in this direction. We will study the fundamental concepts and their applications to AI.