Diophantine t-uples as an introduction to elliptic curves

2-8 September 2024

Title of the course: Diophantine t-uples as an introduction to elliptic curves
Instructor: Dr. Matteo Paganin
Institution: Sabancı University
Dates: 2-8 September 2024
Prerequisites: Some basic algebra
Level: Advance undergraduate, graduate
Abstract: Diophantine t-uples are a very classic topic in Number Theory, dating back indeed to Diophantus. In this course we plan to use them as a motivation to introduce what is now one of the main topics in modern Number Theory: finding rational points on a elliptic curves. We will define all the basic concepts and show how the group structure of an elliptic curve can be used to construct in practice various types of Diophantine t-uples
Language: EN
Textbook: Online resources will be provided.