A Mathematical Introduction to Modal Logic

27-31 July 2020

Title of the course: A Mathematical Introduction to Modal Logic
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Can Başkent
Institution: Middlesex University
Dates: 27-31 July 2020
Prerequisites: Propositional Logic
Level: Beginning Undergraduate
Abstract: Modalities quantify the truth, allowing us to formalize statements that are “possibly” or “necessarily true”. Modal logic studies modalities. In the past decades, a variety of modal logics have been developed for countless philosophical and computer scientific applications. In this course, I will present a mathematical introduction to propositional modal logic where I will discuss its syntax and (several different) semantics. This will be followed by a completeness proof and a discussion of some applications. The only prerequisite is familiarity with propositional logic.
Language: English.
Textbook or/and course webpage: https://canbaskent.net/logic/lectures/ModalLogicLectureNotes.pdf